Our Movements Are Loud
13.-17. August 2019
Four channel Radio play installed under a chestnut tree in central Stockholm.
One speaker out of four installed under the bench.
The Bridge Radio is part of Choreographies of the Social in Stockholm (August 2019) . We have made this radio-play that is produced collectively by different people, with and without Danish citizenship, connected with each other through their experience of the Danish asylum system.
In our practice the process of working collectively across privileges is both a tool and a theme. The sound installation consists of various perspectives, positions and voices that converge towards a narrative of struggles against deportation. These interwoven stories, told by activists operating from within and without the asylum camps, take place within an imaginary scenario.
Through the play we want to make visible the daily fight of people being subjected to these policies, analyze how mainstream media represents acts of resistance, and think how to build collective strategies to disrupt and break these oppressive structures, without centering on whiteness.
The stories in the radio play are based on real events that have taken place in asylum camps, airplanes and in larger protests that The Bridge Radio and its network has participated.
The process of creating the radio play started with a workshop in writing and drama for radio with writer Athena Farrokhzad, director Saga Gärde and sound designer Arash Pandi.
Texts and voices: Laila, Serafin, Cedric, Barly, Kirstine, Arash, Nanna, Arendse, Shakira, Fayeza, Carina, Nanna, Kathrine and Allan.
Sound recordings from the Bridge Radio Archive:
Quotes by Audre Lorde, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Nicholas De Genova and Bertolt Brecht.
Radio drama workshop: Athena Farrokhzad and Saga Gärde.
Recordings and editing: The Bridge Radio.
Sound design: Arash Pandi.
Listen to the full radio play here: https://soundcloud.com/bridgeradio/our-movements-are-loud
Listen to an excerpt of the radio play here:
Economy of Migrant Labor – for the Right to Work
Friday, January 19-Saturday, May 19 2018
Economy of Migrant Labor – for the Right to Work is a solo exhibition by the transnational radio collective The Bridge Radio. Made in collaboration with a group of people, who have asylum status, residence permits, and homes in Southern Europe, but often end up living on the street in Copenhagen in their search for some kind of work, the exhibition and its accompanying discussion event take a closer look at the precarious living conditions for migrant workers in Denmark and their struggles for rights.
The exhibition, takes the form of a large soundscape that presents recorded statements by each of the 12 collaborators accompanied by graphic works on the walls. Listening to their statements, it becomes clear that all of the collaborators have been granted asylum in Southern Europe, but that they have been forced to migrate north to look for work due to the economic crisis and high unemployment in Southern and Eastern Europe. Their asylum status allows them to travel in the Schengen area to Denmark on a tourist visa, but it does not grant them a Danish work permit and access to medical treatment or social assistance. So many have been forced to become day laborers or to sustain their livelihood by collecting empty bottles and cans in parks and streets that can be returned for a recycling refund of 1–3 DKK (25–50 US cents).
Exhibition magazine: https://indd.adobe.com/view/ac3b73fa-07da-4177-a618-8e2e40ecadab
Research Residency at Marabouparken
During the Autumn 2017 to feburary 2018, Bridge Radio was working on radio production workshops and a series of broadcasts from Stockholm.
See more through Marabou Parken: http://marabouparken.se/bridge-radio/
Trampoline House Women's Club in collaboration with the Bridge Radio and Blake Shaw at SMK
'Captured Outside' is an audio installation in which a number of women from the Trampoline House Women's Club discuss women's conditions within the Danish asylum system. Listen in the sound files below.
The women discuss subjects such as borders, bureaucracy, housing and sexual harassement, inviting the listeners to hear a first hand accound of the sutrgle of being a women in the male-dominated space of the Danish asylum centers as well as their perspectives on what can be done to improve their conditions.
Read about the exhibition: http://campcph.org/past/2292017-b2256
The Bridge Summer Tour - 2016
The migration service is controlling the movement of migrants and refugees, forcing people to stay in isolated sites and suddently to move between camps. Therefore in July, The Bridge Radio is moving out of Copenhagen to broadcast live from asylum camps all over Denmark. We will visit members of the radio who have been forcefully moved away from our community; and we will go to sites that we normally cannot reach. For three weeks (11th to 31th of July) we will broadcast live from five different asylum camps; Thisted, Brovst, Kjærshovedgård, Haderslev and Næstved.
We hope you will join us in the camps through the live stream.
Pulsar Festival, Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall
The Bridge Radio participated in Pulsar Festival (2016) taking place Charlottenborg Exhibition Hall with podcast produced by the group and a live radio show #2 - Sounds from Borderspace(s). Listen to this in audio library and under live radio.
Exhibition by "Radikal Unsichtbar – Centre for collective learning and radical listening” - a new forum for contemporary sound art and listening.
Valentinskamp 37, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Together with the Copenhagen based documentation-collective borderspace(s) the Bridge Radio, in September and November 2015, went to Serbia-Croatia, Athens and Lesvos.
Here, we made documentation about spaces of detention and the repressive structures, attempting to intervene whenever needed. We interviewed people on their journey and shared sim-cards, so people could upload and share their own recordings. We also shared information about the borders in Europe and the asylum system. On Lesvos, we were based around the so-called ‘hot-spot’ and detention/registration place, Moria. Here, we made a mobile charging station and wi-fi hotspot, supporting people in their own communication structures. As well, as making it possible for people to contact their friends and family, after arriving in Greece from Turkey.We see documentation as a form of practical solidarity.
Podcasts from Serbia-Croatia about the temporary detention - and registration center Opatovic and from Moria on Lesvos will be ready soon.
Registration in Moria, Lesvos, November 2015
In September and October 2015, The Bridge Radio organized two weekend seminars on radio production. Together with journalist, Viktor Reddersen, people from asylum camps in Jutland and Sealand practiced different tools for practical radio production; telling a narrative, editing, recording and much more.
Exhibition at CAMP (Center for Art and Migrtion Politics) (http://campcph.org/)
Camp Life: Artistic reflections on the politics of refugee and migrant detention
April 17 – June 14, 2015
As a part of a workshop series the Trampoline House Women's Club collaborated with Nanna Hansen, Kipanga Typeson, Habib Mohseni and Blake Shaw to enter a recorded dialogue on women's issues within the Danish asylum system. Different issues were discussed from borders, bureaucracy to safety and housing. Listen to these different conversations below the images.
The conversations were broadcasted via 5 micro-FM radio stations within the Center for Art on Migration Politics on subjects such as borders, bureaucracy, housing and sexual harassment, inviting the listeners to hear a first hand account of the struggles of being a woman in the male-dominated space of the camp as well as their perspectives of what can be done to improve their conditions. Visitors are encouraged to bring their own headphones and explore the various radio stations as they experience the exhibition.
Read about the exhibition: http://campcph.org/past/1862016camp-life